Welcome to The Vikings Wiki !

This is a set of user editable pages created for use by members of The Vikings.

An Index is viewable down the left hand side bar, and you just click on the page you want to visit.

Anyone who is a member of the Vikings is welcome to join in the fun, just send an email to the site owner with your real name and which group you belong to.

Pages can be created on any subject you choose, as long as it's Vikings related. If you want to create a group 'Brag Sheet' or a page with information about your training sessions, just go ahead and do it !

This site has a storage limit of 100mb so the moderators will watch uploads carefully to ensure we get the best possible use from the site. If you upload an image please consider this.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License